Our suppliers have perfected this design and produced larger quantities so you get the advantage of a better price. Do you want the best ever system of tyre changing? A system that allows your 12 year old to do it trouble free? Yes its true that you must start the refit by inserting the first side into the tyre. But then the job is really easy. So easy that you could give it to your 12 year old to finish.
Even your 12 year old could change tyres with this changer
The same goes for removal. First break the tyre bead and the insert the tongs under the tyre. Engage the pivot in the centre of the rim and pull the tong handles outward. This allows the inner tong section to remove the beaded section of the tyre from the rim. You probably know that once you are half way off the rim it (The Tyre) just falls off.
Always change tyres from the back of the rim. Never try to take tyres off from the outside of the rim.
- Another brand is for sale at $200.00 each.
- You get the best design at the best price.
- Own a heavy duty unit and my Money Back no risk GUARANTEE makes it worry free.
- A tool that will save you having the kart shop change your tyres next time.
- It is available and with you all the time in the trailer or at home.
- So you can rotate tyres or even up tyre wear using both tyre shoulders.
- This means you can easily turn the tyre around on the rim for the best tyre life.
- I have ten of them left so you should buy ASAP
- There have been 80 units sold this week according to the supplier.
- No more need to struggle to hold the go kart wheel when you change tyres with this magic device.
- Its so easy to use that even your wife can do it for you. If you are so lucky.